Best Solar Panels in Ohio?

Lowering the A/C Again?

With June just around the corner, you may feel summer in full swing; kids are out of school, the rec center pool is opening, and you can smell barbecues starting up again. However, the one sound you’re probably not expecting is the constant running of your A/C unit. Even worse, you’re noticing again how high your electric bill is with your A/C cooling your home. And according to this New York Times article, our summers are getting hotter and hotter; this means your A/C will be working harder to keep your home cool, meaning a higher and higher electric bill. Luckily for you, however, our team at the Ohio Solar Alliance is ready to help you find the perfect solar panels for your home. In this article, we’ll delve into the two types of solar panels, which are best for Ohio homes, and review how solar panels can help you save and make money.

Types of Solar Panels

For most residential solar panels you see, they are either monocrystalline or polycrystalline. The most significant difference between the two that most people notice is their colors. Monocrystalline panels (or mono panels) are recognizable by their black color. In contrast, polycrystalline panels (or poly panels) are recognizable by their bluish color. However, there is more to these panels than just their different colors. Mono panels are manufactured by growing a single silicon ingot and then slicing them into thin wafers. These wafers become the solar cells you see inside solar panels.

The main advantages of monocrystalline solar panels are:

  1. High efficiency. Mono panels have an efficiency spectrum ranging between 15% to 20%, but some newer models are getting closer to being 50% efficient. This means that mono panels can take between 15% to 20% of the light it receives and turn it into electricity.
  2. Less room. Because mono panels are more efficient, you need fewer panels on your roof or yard to power your home.
  3. Aesthetics. Because mono panels are darker, they generally blend in better when installed on your roof than poly panels.

On the other hand, poly panels are manufactured by melting multiple silicon crystals into a single ingot sliced into wafers. Because of this process, poly panels are generally a bit cheaper than mono panels. However, poly panels are less efficient (between 13% and 16%), and you need more poly panels to generate the same power. Additionally, because poly panels have a bluish hue, they do not blend as well when installed on your roof. With this information, we can now ask, “Which solar panel is best for my home in Ohio”?

Types of Solar Panels

We recommend installing mono panels at your home to maximize our sunlight in Ohio. Mono panels are the ideal choice for Ohio homes due to their higher efficiency and better utilization of available sunlight. While Ohio may not have the same level of sunshine as states like California or Arizona, it still receives enough sunlight to make solar panels a viable option for homeowners. Mono panels, with their efficiency spectrum ranging between 15% to 20%, can convert a significant percentage of the light they receive into electricity, ensuring you get the most out of the available sunlight. Even better, when you install your solar panels with us, you’ll receive panels with an efficiency of over 21%!

Save Money and The Environment

As mentioned in other posts, going solar is a great way to save money and increase your home value. You can enroll in your utility company’s net metering program when you install solar panels. Under net metering, utility companies grant you credits for the surplus electricity your solar panels contribute to the grid. As the months go by and your solar panels continue to produce clean energy, these credits accumulate and offset your power bill. With enough solar power generation, your account with the utility company could plummet to zero. And here’s the best part: if you generate excess energy by the end of the year, you can request the utility company to issue you a check for the accumulated credits! With solar panels, you cannot only afford to lower the A/C this summer, but you can make money doing it.

Free Solar Panel Home Analysis

If you’re considering solar and aren’t sure if your home will be a good fit, take advantage of our free, no-obligation solar analysis. Using advanced 3D imaging software, we design a rendering of your home to scale, replicating surrounding shade, roof pitch, and exact electricity usage. All we need is a copy of your most recent power bill. After you request a free analysis from our team, we can have your design ready in less than 24 hours.

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