Ohio Solar FAQ

Ohio Solar FAQMike2023-06-07T18:39:39+00:00

Frequently Asked Questions

Is My House Right For Solar?Mike2022-10-30T06:04:05+00:00

Every home is different. When designing a solar system, there are a few factors that we consider: the pitch of your roof, the orientation of the panels, your roof’s access to the sun, and the size of your roof.

Solar panels work great with most roofs, but the optimal angle for panels is 30 degrees. Solar panels work best when positioned on the south side of your roof. When solar panels face south, they have the best access to the sun during the day.

When designing your system, we try to fit as many south-facing panels as possible. Shade from trees or large buildings can affect the production of a system. Solar panels can still work great under some shade. So if you have trees on your property, don’t count yourself out!

The total number of solar panels needed mostly depends on how much electricity you use per month. The higher your electricity bill, the more solar panels you will need to offset your bill.

The average number of solar panels required to fully power a home is 20. The average size of a solar panel is 17.5 square feet. So, we would need about 352 square feet on your roof to install 20 panels. If your roof simply does not work for solar, we offer ground-mount solar systems that can be installed on your property.

How Much Does Solar Cost in Ohio?Mike2022-10-30T05:45:51+00:00

The price of solar will vary per individual. The cost of solar primarily depends on your roof’s access to the sun and how much electricity you use each month. The more electricity you use, the more solar panels you will need to offset your electricity bill. Our goal is to eliminate your electricity bill as much as possible. If you would like to see how much solar will cost for your home, we can send you a free customized quote.

Are Solar Panels Worth it in Ohio?Mike2022-10-30T05:52:49+00:00

There is enough solar in Ohio to power over 107,000 homes. According to the Solar Energy Industries Association, Ohio is ranked 25th in the nation for solar. Ohio is not only a great state for solar, but there are several incentives that solar customers in Ohio can apply for.

Ohio does not offer a state tax credit, but residents can claim a 30% federal tax credit. The federal tax credit allows solar customers to apply 30% of their system cost to their federal income tax. Ohio residents may claim this credit if their solar system is installed before 2033.

Ohio residents can also apply for the ECO-Link program. This program allows eligible borrowers to receive up to a 3% reduction on their solar loans up to $50,000.

Grid-tied solar customers are eligible for the net metering program. The net metering program allows you to send excess energy production to the grid. When electricity is sent from your solar system to the grid, you will accumulate a credit with your power company. In times when your system underproduces, you can take energy from the grid and pay for it with your credits.

Will Solar Panels Save Me Money?Mike2022-10-30T05:56:27+00:00

On average, homeowners in the United States see savings between $10,000 – $30,000 over 30-years. Some homeowners see even greater savings if their power bill is higher than average.

How Does the Solar Tax Credit Work?Mike2022-10-30T06:02:41+00:00

The federal government offers a solar tax credit for eligible solar customers. If your solar system gets installed before 2033, you can apply 30% of your system cost to your federal income tax. If your solar system costs $20,000, you can apply up to $6,000 to your federal income tax! This credit can only be applied once. It is not a rebate, and you cannot cash it out.

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